"How Do I Get Rid Of My Love Handles??"
Love handles are a totally different game to regular weight loss....I know it has been documented that losing weight will help you to get rid of those pesky love handles...but you really need to target them specifically...really...there is no other way but to be love handle specific when trying to lose them...
There are certain workouts that will put you on the right track to losing the love handles...
Twist Crunches
The exercise described here will work your internal and external obliques as well as the rectus abdominis. These are the two main muscle groups that live around your waist, and subsequently affect your love handles. Fat is generally stored on top of these muscles, thus creating the love handle effect.
- Lie on your back with your knees bent.
- Carefully lift your head up and place your hands behind your head without locking your fingers together.
- Twist to the right bringing your left elbow to your right knee. Extend your left leg out.
- Now twist back to the left bringing your right elbow to your left knee. Extend your right leg out.
- Repeat daily for 15 minutes
Standing Trunk Twists
This is a good aerobic-type exercise that when performed correctly and regularly will help get your heart rate up as well as burn some calories in your middle, and in relation...get rid of those love handles.
- Stand with your feet about a foot apart and knees relaxed.
- Twist your torso to the left while keeping your hips and legs as stable as possible. As you twist to the left, cross your right arm in front of your body in a punching motion.
- Twist back to the right and cross your left arm over your body in a punching motion.
- Repeat daily for 20 minutes
In Conclusion.....
Just like with any stomach trimming exercises, love handles will only firm up if you start increasing your body's metabolism by exercising 4 or 5 times per week for at least 45 minutes. This does not only include crunches, sit ups, etc but aerobic-type exercises that will get your heart rate up.
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